Logo Parc Naturel Régional Normandie Maine & Geoparc
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Natura 2000

In Europe, many species and natural habitats have been severely depleted in recent decades and are under great threat. Two European directives (Birds and Habitats-fauna-flora) have defined that the preservation of this natural heritage represents a European significance.

The Natura 2000 system was created to act specifically to safeguard this threatened heritage.

What is it?

The Natura 2000 network consists of a set of European sites of great heritage value. The Natura 2000 designated sites facilitate a better understanding of biodiversity issues in human activities and the protection of natural habitats and species present, with financial assistance from the European Union.

Today, it is composed of 29,298 sites throughout Europe.

Natura 2000 in France

Made up of 1776 sites in France, the Natura 2000 network operates on the basis of consultation:

Establishment of a Steering Committee (COPIL)

making it possible for all the territory stakeholders to participate in its management.

Drafting of a Document of Objectives (DOCOB)

to define the objectives for the protection of biodiversity in relation to the economic, social and cultural requirements of the site.

Implementation of an action plan

for a balanced and sustainable management of the site this programme is implemented on a totally voluntary basis.

Normandy-Maine Park: 12 Natura 2000 sites  

La carte des sites Natura 2000 du Parc Normandie-Maine


Alpes Mancelles ; Bassin de l'Andainette ; Corniche de Pail et forêt de Multonne ; Site d'Ecouves ; Forêt de Sillé ; La Haute vallée de la Sarthe ; Vallée de Rutin, Coteau de Chaumiton, Etang de Saosnes et forêt de Perseigne ; Vallée du Sarthon et ses affluents ; Landes du Trertre Bizet et Fosse Arthour ; Anciennes Mines de Barenton et de Bion ; Bocage de la forêt de la Monnaie à Javron-les-Chapelles

The other Natura 2000 sites in the Park's territory are managed by partners:

Combles de la chapelle de l'Oratoire de Passais (CEN Normandie), Ancienne champignonnière des petites Hayes (CEN Normandie)Bocage à Osmoderma eremita au nord de la forêt de Perseigne (Chambre d'Agriculture de la Sarthe), Bocage à Osmoderma eremita entre Sillé-le-Guillaume et la Grande-Charnie (Chambre d'Agriculture de la Sarthe)Haute vallée de l'Orne et affluents (CPIE Collines Normandes).